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2024-02-08 07:41:18

Time to build: about 45 mins (not including soldering the power supply)
(4) $5 Arctic P12 fans
(2) $10 10x20x1 1200D filtrete MERV-11 filters
(2) $7 20x20x1 1500 MERV-12 filtrete filters (pack of 12 off ebay)
duct tape
zip ties
12V power supply (free because I soldered a random old adapter, but normally $10 plus $3 or so for a splitter. Or get the fans with built-in splitters)
Total: approx $55, next one will cost about $70.<…

Top view of the CR box with it running. The black row of fans sits atop the cardboard with the rectangular hole cut out. The hole is not visible due to the fans, and there is silver duct tape keeping the fans in place (and air sealing).
The view inside of the CR box from the (open) bottom. You can see a rectangular box made of 3m filtrete vent filters. The box is 20" long on one side, and 10" on the other side. At the bottom of the box (which, since it's upside-down, is actually the top) is the cardboard seen previously with a rectangle traced on it. Now there's a rectangle cut out of the cardboard, roughly following that traced line but maybe half an inch in. Thus the row of fans sits on the cardboard, with a 1/2" lip keeping…
4 black (P12) PC fans in a row on the floor. The screw holes in each corner have tiny zip ties through them, connecting each fan to its adjacent fan. I used 6 zip ties on top and 6 zip ties on the bottom, but that was unnecessary and next time I'll use 3 zip ties on top and 3 on the bottom. The wires coming from each fan are plugged into each other.
The row of fans, now a sold block thanks to the zip ties, on top of a piece of cardboard. There's a line traced on the cardboard that fits the row of fans.
2024-05-07 12:53:01

Good morning and happy Tuesday #Fediverse
How are we all doing today and what do we each have on our agendas for the day today?
Work stuff as always here. Thankfully things are slowing down after the major Nova release last week so that's good. Couple of meetings today from 12pm - 3pm EST.
After that, might give Gray Zone Warfare a try as the wife and I have been de…

An image with a pink background that says Happy Tuesday in a maroon colored font. There are some white flowers at the bottom of the image as well.
2024-05-07 13:14:23

Catched me running there 🙌🫶
2024-03-08 08:35:59

US-Botschaft warnt vor Gefahr von Anschlägen in Moskau
Die US-Botschaft in Russland warnt vor möglicherweise bevorstehenden Anschlägen von Extremisten in Moskau. US-Bürger sollten deswegen große Menschenansammlungen meiden. Die Botschaft überprüfe Berichte, wonach Extremisten planten, demnächst große Menschenmengen - auch Konzerte in Moskau - ins Visier zu nehmen, schreibt die diplomatische Vertretung auf ihrer Internetseite.
2024-05-07 19:15:02

Die #Grüne Kampagne für #Schilling ist ein Schlag ins Gesicht: Klar Frau mit Herz (wärs ein Mann, hieße es wohl: Mann mit Verstand) - ein Herzchen also.
Wir brauchen im EU-Parlament aber kein Herzchen, auch keine reine Klimaaktivistin, sondern eine EU-Parlamentarierin mit einem etwas weiteren Kompet…
2024-05-05 02:03:47

(Bear in mind that I only bring the zodiac as constellations, not for astrological purposes.)
Apart from the silliness of abscribing Earth’s solar system asterisms to characters not from other solar systems, but from A Galaxy Far, Far Away… should not Gemini at least be allocated to Luke and Leia, not Anakin?

Four by three panel with pictures from different Jedi, and the “traditional” 12 constellations of the zodiac (that is, no Ophiucus).

From top to bottom, and left to right:

Aries - Adi Gallia
Taurus - Shaak Ti
Gemini - Anakin Skywalker
Cancer - Ki-Adi-Mundi
Leo - Kit Fisto
Virgo - Luminara Unduli
Libra - Qui-Gon Jinn
Scorpio - Mace Windu
Sagittarius - Plo Koon
Capricorn - Obi-Wan Kenobi
Aquarius - Yoda
Pisces - Aayla Secura

In the middle of the image the text “haexbralis-studio” is set in a g…
2024-03-05 01:40:38

Sources: US officials told AMD that the company's AI chip for the Chinese market was still too powerful and it must obtain a license in order to sell it (Bloomberg)
2024-03-06 10:58:58

Die DB gehört dem Staat. Ob die DB also bereit ist, mit der GDL einen Tarifvertrag zu schließen,¹ der jetzt nicht völlig absurd zu sein scheint,² ist also letztlich auch eine politische Entscheidung.
Die schlimmste Lesart ist daher, daß Wissing die Streiks ganz gut ins Konzept passen, weil sie das Auto als noch notwendiger erscheinen lassen.
¹wie viele private Bahnen zuvor.
²meines Wissens sind z.B. die Arbeitsbedingungen in der Schweiz oder Österreich weit besser.…
2024-03-08 12:43:11

Selenskyj zu Gesprächen in der Türkei eingetroffen
Der ukrainische Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyj ist zu Gesprächen mit seinem Kollegen Recep Tayyip Erdogan in die Türkei gereist. Selenskyj landete in Istanbul, wie die staatliche Nachrichtenagentur Anadolu berichtete. Hauptthema soll nach Angaben des Präsidialamts in Ankara der russische Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine sein. Dabei sollen Wege für eine…
2024-05-05 02:03:47

(Bear in mind that I only bring the zodiac as constellations, not for astrological purposes.)
Apart from the silliness of abscribing Earth’s solar system asterisms to characters not from other solar systems, but from A Galaxy Far, Far Away… should not Gemini at least be allocated to Luke and Leia, not Anakin?

Four by three panel with pictures from different Jedi, and the “traditional” 12 constellations of the zodiac (that is, no Ophiucus).

From top to bottom, and left to right:

Aries - Adi Gallia
Taurus - Shaak Ti
Gemini - Anakin Skywalker
Cancer - Ki-Adi-Mundi
Leo - Kit Fisto
Virgo - Luminara Unduli
Libra - Qui-Gon Jinn
Scorpio - Mace Windu
Sagittarius - Plo Koon
Capricorn - Obi-Wan Kenobi
Aquarius - Yoda
Pisces - Aayla Secura

In the middle of the image the text “haexbralis-studio” is set in a g…